Once again, New York University School of Law (NYU Law) and Concurrences Review will be hosting a conference next month in New York City that will explore the issues raised by implementing and enforcing antitrust rules in developing countries. “Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Economies: Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico…”will be held on Friday, October 23, 2015, at NYU Law.
The welcome remarks will be provided by NYU Law Vice Dean Kevin Davis, followed by introductory remarks by NYU Law professor Eleanor M. Fox. Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz will then present “Antitrust Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies” in conversation with Eduardo Pérez-Motta. The remaining panels include the following topics: “Setting the Stage: State Involvement in a Market Economy”; “Antitrust, IP, and High Tech: What’s Good for Innovation and Development”; “Competition Policy for Pharmaceuticals: Access, Abuse and Incentives”; “Mergers: Public Interest, Industrial Policy, and Remedies”; and “International Enforcement: What Helps or Hurts Development.”
William E. Kovacic, Non-Executive Director of the U.K. Competition Markets Authority Board, will deliver a keynote address. A closing conversation will be conducted by Dennis Davis, President of the South African Competition Appeal Court, and NYU Law professor Harry First.
Other panelists include: Francis W. Kariuki, Director General of the Competition Authority of Kenya; Susan Ning; Jonathan Orszag; Simon Roberts; George Cary; Kirti Gupta; H. Stephen Harris, Jr.; R. Ian McEwin; Aditya Bhattacharjea; Thomas Cheng; C. Scott Hemphill; Carlos Mena Labarthe, Head of the Mexican Competition Authority Investigative Authority; George Cary; Samir Gandhi; Mark Gidley; Simon Roberts; Mariana Tavares de Araújo; and FTC Director Randolph W. Tritell.
Additional information and online registration are available at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/antitrust-in-emerging-and-developing-economies-africa-brazil-china-india-mexico-tickets-17794864920 .